CSA Retiree Chapter Update - March 23, 2015
Medicare Part B IRMAA Checks Are Delayed
The city’s Office of Labor Relations (OLR) has informed us that the reimbursement checks for Medicare Part B IRMAA (Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount) are delayed for a few weeks and will not be distributed until April. OLR assures us that its staff is working diligently to get this money to you.
Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Wednesday, March 25: Come join the NYC Central Labor Council and Workers United for the annual commemoration of the Triangle Waist Company factory fire that killed 146 workers and galvanized a movement and the city. The 1911 fire, in which so many young immigrants perished, brought to the forefront the issue of worker safety. Outraged labor advocates and average citizens took to the streets; the result was a strengthened labor movement and state legislation that addressed worker rights.
The commemoration begins at 11:30 a.m. at the corner of Washington and Greene streets, the former site of the Triangle Waist Company. For more information, contact www.rememberthetrianglefire.org or call the Retiree Chapter at (212) 823-2020.
Rally for Schools and Children
On March 28, labor and school advocates, including CSA and the UFT, will rally in front of Gov. Cuomo’s Manhattan mid-town office to call for fully funding our public schools, limiting high-stakes testing, maintaining a cap on charter schools and creating a fair evaluation system for teachers. The rally will take place at 633 Third Avenue at East 41st Street. Organizers are expecting several thousand people to attend. (They’re shooting for 10,000!!!) Wear green to symbolize fair funding for our public schools. Other sponsors include the Education Council Consortium, Class Size Matters, Make the Road NY, DC37 and Local 372.
March of Dimes
CSA members and staff will be taking a walk on April 26 to raise money for the March of Dimes/March for Babies. All across the country, fundraisers in their walking shoes will gather, ready to raise money for and awareness about the March of Dimes’ important mission: preventing birth defects and decreasing infant mortality.
CSA’s team page is www.marchforbabies.org/team/csasiny. CSA staff/members will be walking with the Staten Island Division. We’ll meet at the Staten Island Mall, 2655 Richmond Ave., at 8 a.m. for registration. We step off at 9:30 a.m. and plan to cover 3.75 miles. You can sign up to walk on this page. If you can’t walk, you can always donate!
If Staten Island is not geographically possible for you, we urge you to join a team where you live. Click on www.marchofdimes.org/contact-us.aspx and you can locate a division of the March of Dimes near you.
Celebrating the Retiree Chapter's 10th Anniversary
Don’t get left out! Registration is well underway for our 10th anniversary of the merger between RSSA and CSA. We’ll be celebrating in style on Sunday, May 17, in the Delegates Dining Room at the United Nations.
The program starts at 10 a.m. with private tours of the United Nations. A cocktail hour will follow on the outdoor patio; a string quartet will provide music all afternoon for our enjoyment. We’re then providing a festive and generous brunch buffet (with carving stations) to ensure your dining pleasure! And the brunch buffet will remain open for the rest of the celebration. We have planned an elegant celebration and we hope you will join us. Download an invitation and RSVP form HERE, and please RSVP by April 13.
Please note: All guests will be screened by U.N. security. Please remember to bring government-issued photo identification or you will not be permitted to enter the building, no exceptions. The United Nations is located on First Avenue between East 45th and 46th streets in Manhattan.
Fourth Annual Intergenerational Outing to Yankee Stadium
We’re planning our Annual Intergenerational CSA Outing to Yankee Stadium on Sunday afternoon, June 21. All profits go to the CSA Scholarship Fund. Last year we had a blast. Don’t miss out on the fun this year!
You have a choice of two ticket packages.
1) The Terrace Rooftop Deck: Includes a 90-minute semi-private party with all-you-can-eat food including Hebrew National hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, potato salad and soft drinks. The Rooftop opens when the stadium’s gates open and closes 30 minutes before game time. The price: $69 per person.
2) The Audi Yankees Club: These indoor seats are located above left field on the enclosed suite level. Includes an enormous buffet throughout the game, a fabulous dessert station and all non-alcoholic beverages. The price: $165.