Update from Felice Hannah,
Outreach Coordinator, CSA Retiree Chapter
Social Security has a web portal for some personalized online services. At My Social Security you can create an account if you are 18 years or older, have a Social Security number and have a valid e-mail and U.S. mail address. Go to www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount to set up your personalized account.
About Your Social Security Benefits
· Social Security benefits are paid each month in the month following when they are due. For example, July benefits are paid in August.
· The birth date of the person whose earning records you receive your benefits determines the day of the month that you receive your benefit payments. For example:
· Date of birth 1st to 10th—second Wednesday of each month
· Date of birth llth to 20th—third Wednesday of each month
· Date of birth 21st to 31st—fourth Wednesday of each month
· To have taxes withheld you will need to get Form W- 4V from The Internal Revenue. After completing the form, mail or take it to your local Social Security Office.
· Your benefits will automatically increase in January if there is a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase.
· Notify Social Security if a person is unable to manage their funds. A relative or other person may become "a Representative Payee." Having "Power of Attorney" or "Legal Guardianship," does not automatically qualify one to be a "Representative Payee."
· If a beneficiary dies, benefits are not payable for the month of death. For instance, if a person dies in June the check received in July must be returned. Notify the financial institution of the death so it can return the payment.
· If you are younger than full retirement age, your benefits will be reduced $1 for every $2 you earn over the limit ($15,480 in 2014).
· There is some good news. If some of your benefits are withheld because your earnings are more than $15,480, when you reach full retirement age your benefits will increase to take into account those months in which you received no benefit or reduced benefit.
· In the year you reach full retirement age, your benefits will be reduced $1 for every $3 you earn over the limit ($41,400 in 2014).
MEDICARE: Reminders and Updates
Observation Stays /In-patient Stay
· An observation stay is an out-patient hospital stay. During an observation stay, doctors make a decision if the patient is to be admitted as an in-patient or discharged. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) reported recently, "Medicare paid nearly three times more for short inpatient stays and beneficiaries ended up paying almost two times more." Enrollment in Original Medicare Part B will generally cover services received after the annual deductible has been met. If a person is admitted as an in-patient, Part A will generally cover services.
· In order for Part A to cover your stay in a skilled nursing/rehabilitation facility, you need to have a three-day qualifying in-patient stay. This means that the first day of admission counts as your first in-patient day and the day prior to discharge counts as your last in-patient day.
· If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, contact your plan to see what cost and rules apply.
· In New York State a bill passed the State Assembly and Senate that would require hospitals to notify Medicare beneficiaries of their observation status within 24 hours of being under observation. Beneficiary notification is a step in the right direction.
Did you know?
Medicare may pay for medically necessary services that you receive aboard a ship.
Medicare may pay for services that you receive as an in-patient in a foreign hospital.
If you are interested in finding out more information about this GREAT service go to CMS.gov and download
Form # : CMS Form 1490S
Form Title: Patient Request for Medical Payment